Diet Culture and The False Promise of New Year's Day and Mondays
Many of us start diets and set new goals on New Year's day and Mondays, but often abandon these goals by the end of January or mid week. Find out why and how to change this.
The Pros and Cons of Tracking Food & Fitness
Fitness trackers and food journals are still big business. Nowadays it seems everyone is wearing one and there hundreds of different types and brands too choose from. But is tracking fitness and writing down every bite, for everyone? Here are the pros and cons of tracking your food and fitness…
Making You Feel Bad is Good For Business
In the summer, it seems like every health and fitness company is out to make you feel rubbish and self conscious in your swimwear, to sell you quick fixes and useless products. Women's magazines are the worst adverts for it and you've even paid them for the privileged!